Monday, January 30, 2012

Closing the Books on 2011

January is drawing to a close and you should have enough information to close the books for 2011. We use a checklist for our clients to make sure everything has been entered and all accounts reconciled or verified. A brief checklist looks like this:
1. Verify that all vendor bills are posted by the end of the year
2. Invoice any customers for any work done in 2011
3. Review Accounts Receivable and determine if any need to be sent to a collection agency or written   off as uncollectible
4. Review all loan payments to verify the correct allocation between interest and principal.
5. Reconcile
    a. Bank accounts
    b. Credit cards
    c. Accounts Receivable (compare the Balance sheet amount to the aging report)
    d. Accounts Payable (compare the Balance sheet amount to the aging report)
6. Create a list of 1099 vendors and calculate the amount due them.
7. File your 1099s
8. Adjust any prepaid items, such as insurance
9. Record any accruals for the year end for any other expenses which aren't included in Accounts        Payable or the credit card
10. Calculate and record depreciation and amortization expense as needed
11. Review asset and expense accounts to insure that all fixed assets have been recorded on the books
12. Prepare year-end reports: W2, W3, 940, 941, 1096, 1099, WT-6, WT-7, UCT101 and remit to the   appropriate parties
13. Review your financial statements for 2011: Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, A/R aging, A/P aging,   Budget to Actual
14. Enter the budget for 2012 into your accounting program
15. Review your data backup plan for adequacy and clean up your paper files
16. Schedule your appointment with your tax preparer

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